3 Reasons Why You Should Watch Anime 

(And 5 Anime Series to Watch if You’re New to Anime)

I originally wanted to title this article: 

"Stereotypes, Misconceptions, and Growing Pains: The 3 Barriers Preventing You From Appreciating the Most Beautifully Consummate Artform on Earth"

—but my marketing agent/girlfriend pointed out that this title was not only really long and annoying, but it doesn’t specifically mention anime, doesn’t appeal to any audience of any sort, and that no one would read this article if I titled it that. 

So, may I present to you: 

3 Reasons Why You Should Watch Anime 

(And 5 Anime Series to Watch if You’re New to Anime) 

In a contemporary world where entertainment and media are painfully diluted and moralistic, anime is a caged lion with the wings of a bird and the trunk of an elephant just waiting for you to ride it into the sunset while a crowd of recently freed indentured orphans wave to you, crying, and thanking you for saving them. 

Translation: anime is the most bizarre, heartwarming, unique, virtuous, diverse, absurd, and quixotically human medium of art on the planet. This particular planet being: Earth circa 2024. 

No medium of art has the capacity to sweep you away into another universe yet bring you closer to yourself in the way that anime does.

That said, it might be pretty hard to find your way into Animehood when you’re starting out given the odd and disparate nature of this vast genre of entertainment. Hence, this is why I have put together a list of three reasons why you should watch anime and five anime to watch if you’re new to anime

Reason #1: Anime Is Not Just For Nerds 

According to ResearchGate, the general population tends to stereotype anime watchers and fans as people who are socially awkward, fanatical about video games, unathletic, and watch anime to escape reality, among other things. 

This is how the word, weeb, came to be. 

A “weeb” is the denomination coined for those “nerds” who are obsessed with anime and Japanese culture to such a detrimental degree that it consumes their lives and essentially hands them a lifelong rejection letter from the school of social interaction. 

Now, let’s make a quick and loose analogy for these so-called weebs– 

Weebs are the equivalent of those people who ingest seven servings of a new supplement or medication, have a heart attack, and cause a particularly useful and relatively non-toxic substance to get banned for everyone else

Translation: do not let the worst possible representation ruin or convolute your opinion of something you have never researched, tried, or truly engaged with

Believe me when I say that anime is not just for the weebs. But if you don’t believe me, that’s fine— that’s why we have Malaysian scientists and researchers. 

One Malaysian study investigating the social and behavioral effects of anime found that, and I quote:

“Respondents  felt  there  is no  need to  imitate  and apply  the  character  in  their lives,  for example in terms of speech, appearance and behaviour. They felt that it was embarrassing to dress up like the anime character.”

The researchers furthermore concluded that (in regards to the false stereotype of anime being associated with obsessive, disillusioned nerdiness): 

“This can  be  seen  when  the average respondent does not have a tendency to store a collection of items related to the anime character that they are interested in. In short, the students are not too obsessed with the characters of the anime as shown on television shows.”

I actually laughed out loud when I read the conclusion of the aforementioned study, which I have attached the link to below. 

(PDF) Study on Anime and Its Impacts Among University Students

But anyway, the point is this: if you think anime is only for nerds, you probably also think immigrants are taking our jobs.

Reason #2: Anime Appears to Have Links to Higher IQs and General Knowledge 

I found possibly the most random and irrelevant (until now) Saudi Arabian research study which was conducted during the height of Covid (surprise) and published in 2021.

S. Alsahlly et al. concluded that people who are avid anime watchers, specifically those aged 10-20, have on average both a higher IQ and a higher level of general “worldly” knowledge. 

Odd study, odd findings, limited population– but lovely conclusion nonetheless. 

Watch anime, you’ll be smarter for it. Link to the study below.

(PDF) Anime affection on human IQ and behavior in Saudi Arabia

Reason #3: Anime Has Something For Everyone

Like all other forms of entertainment— books, film, television, music— anime itself is not a “genre” but rather a medium for MANY genres. 

Sure, you may not enjoy the more absurd or niché anime series, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t literally thousands of other, more grounded series on the market. 

From slice-of-life, to sitcom-esque comedies, to dark horror and fantasy, to coming-of-age, to sports dramas, to romantic comedies— there is an anime for everyone

Some of my favorite anime have zero supernatural or embellished elements to them. But most of my personal favorites do. So, pick your poison. And remember, caffeine and sugar are also poisons and you’re likely already ingesting those so you might as well throw some anime to the mix. Reason #3: Anime Has Something For Everyone

Like all other forms of entertainment— books, film, television, music— anime itself is not a “genre” but rather a medium for MANY genres. 

Sure, you may not enjoy the more absurd or niché anime series, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t literally thousands of other, more grounded series on the market. 

From slice-of-life, to sitcom-esque comedies, to dark horror and fantasy, to coming-of-age, to sports dramas, to romantic comedies— there is an anime for everyone

Some of my favorite anime have zero supernatural or embellished elements to them. But most of my personal favorites do. So, pick your poison. And remember, caffeine and sugar are also poisons and you’re likely already ingesting those so you might as well throw some anime to the mix.

Curious about where to get started? As promised, check out my guide to getting started with anime below:


5 Anime Series to Watch if You’re New to Anime


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